Posts tagged DGA
Introducing TOAN: Qualitrol's transformer oil analysis and notification system

TOAN - Transformer Oil Analysis and Notification - is the first entirely new DGA diagnostic tool to emerge in recent years. It allows the user to move away from alarming on DGA gas levels or rate of change and towards alarming only when an actual fault is developing. Automatically creates ACTIONABLE INFORMATION from large volumes of data Notifies the users only when a fault is present, thereby filtering out FALSE ALARMS Uses DATA MINING techniques to let the data tell you the trends.

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Transformer Health Check: DGA Technologies

Transformer monitoring can assist in extending the life and performance of a transformer. Our CORE Transformer Optimisation approach - a fleet-wide "whole of life" methodology offers a broader evaluation of the transformer environment, addressing the interrelated planning, operational and risk factors that impact transformer performance and life. In doing so, it paves the way for better decision making, greater asset security and lower total cost of ownership.

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